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Peppermint e.o. - 30 ml

Peppermint e.o. - 30 ml


Botanical Name: Mentha PipperitaAroma: Sweet, minty, herbalPeppermint essential oil has many culinary and pharmaceutical uses. It is also used for its soothing qualities on the digestive system. It is also an ingredient in perfumes or candy.Medicinal benefits include being an anesthetic (topical), antibacterial, anti—inflammatory, antifungal, antiseptic, stimulant, and soother of stomach ailments. Not only does it help control oil secretion of the skin but also clears it and brightens tire...

Rose Otto - 3.75 ml

Rose Otto - 3.75 ml


Scent: Rose, rich, floral, warmDescription: Bulgaria is the largest producer of this highly prized oil. The oil is distilled or solvent extracted from the blossoms. It must be distilled at least twice as a result of its water—soluble components. Rose water is a by—product of the distillation. The steam—distilled oil is pale yellow—green.Uses: An aphrodisiac, it is prescribed to treat frigidity. A tisane can help to increase appetite, and it soothes premenstrual tension an...

Rose Otto - 7.5 ml

Rose Otto - 7.5 ml


Scent: Rose, rich, floral, warmDescription: Bulgaria is the largest producer of this highly prized oil. The oil is distilled or solvent extracted from the blossoms. It must be distilled at least twice as a result of its water—soluble components. Rose water is a by—product of the distillation. The steam—distilled oil is pale yellow—green.Uses: An aphrodisiac, it is prescribed to treat frigidity. A tisane can help to increase appetite, and it soothes premenstrual tension an...

Rose Otto - 15 ml

Rose Otto - 15 ml


Scent: Rose, rich, floral, warmDescription: Bulgaria is the largest producer of this highly prized oil. The oil is distilled or solvent extracted from the blossoms. It must be distilled at least twice as a result of its water—soluble components. Rose water is a by—product of the distillation. The steam—distilled oil is pale yellow—green.Uses: An aphrodisiac, it is prescribed to treat frigidity. A tisane can help to increase appetite, and it soothes premenstrual tension an...

Rose Otto - 30 ml

Rose Otto - 30 ml


Scent: Rose, rich, floral, warmDescription: Bulgaria is the largest producer of this highly prized oil. The oil is distilled or solvent extracted from the blossoms. It must be distilled at least twice as a result of its water—soluble components. Rose water is a by—product of the distillation. The steam—distilled oil is pale yellow—green.Uses: An aphrodisiac, it is prescribed to treat frigidity. A tisane can help to increase appetite, and it soothes premenstrual tension an...

Rosemary e.o. - 30 ml

Rosemary e.o. - 30 ml


Aroma: Sweet and camphor—likeWe are proud of our unique and excellent Rosemary which is sustainably harvested in the wild and steam distilled gently. This process produces a gentle aroma and a powerful scent. Try this Rosemary if you are looking for a relaxing experience.May be helpful to reduce muscular pain when used in a carrier oil base for a massage into the affected areas. It also may be help to relieve headaches when inhaled. Avoid use if you are pregnant. There is a belief that you...

Sage Dalmatian e.o. - 15 ml

Sage Dalmatian e.o. - 15 ml


Aroma: Light, musky, herbaceous, camphor—likeGreat oil from an organically grown source deep in the heart of Hungary, this Sage is the best, sweet scented sage we have come across. A clear oil is distilled from the leaves of this Mediterranean native perennial herb. The scent is reviving, and should be employed to relieve nervousness illness, including anxiety, insomnia, headaches, migraine, fear, and irritability. It treats mouth and throat infections, and is a decongestant. It relieves m...

Spearmint e.o. - 30 ml

Spearmint e.o. - 30 ml


Aroma: Minty, sweet, herbalA gentle mint oil that comes to us direct from the foothills of the Himalayas, organically grown and carefully distilled to preserve the true scent and medicinal properties. Tibetans and Nepali mountain people have traditionally used spearmint in their massage oils, in their teas and to flavor their food — round the year to 'keep the healing power of the mountains with them at all times'.Cooling, anti—inflammatory, good for migraines and itchy skin...

Spikenard e.o. - 30 ml

Spikenard e.o. - 30 ml


Aroma: Heavy, woodsy, herbal, and musky"Each plant and part has a different therapeutic value and must be prepared in its own way for maximum benefits", state the ancient texts of Ayurveda.Only found at high altitudes (from 10,000 to 17,000 feet) in India, Bhutan, and Sikkim. This tender, aromatic herb that is native to the mountains of India is grown for us by a small village of farms in the foothills of the Himalayas. The oil, from the rhizome, is greenish—brown, deeply scented unlike an...

Sweet Orange (Steam Distilled) e.o. - 15 ml

Sweet Orange (Steam Distilled) e.o. - 15 ml


Aroma: Citrus, sweet, and tangySweet Orange oil can be effective to the immune system for colds and flu and can help eliminate toxins, and as a diuretic it is useful for water retention and obesity. Massage oil eases indigestion and may ease constipation and water retention.Although not as antiseptic as lemon, orange essential oil still combats flu and colds. Diffuse Orange to help ease symptoms of bronchitis, colds, chills, and the flu, and to soothe stress and depression. During times of illne...

Sweet Orange (Steam Distilled) e.o. - 30 ml

Sweet Orange (Steam Distilled) e.o. - 30 ml


Aroma: Citrus, sweet, and tangySweet Orange oil can be effective to the immune system for colds and flu and can help eliminate toxins, and as a diuretic it is useful for water retention and obesity. Massage oil eases indigestion and may ease constipation and water retention.Although not as antiseptic as lemon, orange essential oil still combats flu and colds. Diffuse Orange to help ease symptoms of bronchitis, colds, chills, and the flu, and to soothe stress and depression. During times of illne...

Tagetes e.o. - 15 ml

Tagetes e.o. - 15 ml


Aroma: Bitter, fruity, and herbalFrom the calendula family, this wild marigold is sustainably harvested and distilled. The program supports many women in Africa.It is medium in viscosity that turns thick and even gel—like if exposed to the air for a long time. The leaves and flowers are a good insect repellent and are often seen hanging from native huts to deter swarms of flies and mosquitoes. In a 5% dilution Tagetes oil has been used to kill maggots in open wounds. The roots and seeds ha...

Tagetes e.o. - 30 ml

Tagetes e.o. - 30 ml


Aroma: Bitter, fruity, and herbalFrom the calendula family, this wild marigold is sustainably harvested and distilled. The program supports many women in Africa.It is medium in viscosity that turns thick and even gel—like if exposed to the air for a long time. The leaves and flowers are a good insect repellent and are often seen hanging from native huts to deter swarms of flies and mosquitoes. In a 5% dilution Tagetes oil has been used to kill maggots in open wounds. The roots and seeds ha...

Marjoram e.o. - 15 ml

Marjoram e.o. - 15 ml


Aroma: Warm, sweet, medicinal, earthyMay be used for respiratory and digestive complaints. Medicinal qualities include being an antibacterial, anti—fungal, anti—inflammatory, and antiseptic. Respiratory ailments are aided due to it?s decongestant properties.Cough and sore throats are aided through aromatherapy, and cuts, muscle aches and pains, sprains are quelled when applied topically. Organic wild marjoram oil may be added to an ointment and applied to skin abrasions to help with...

Marjoram e.o. - 30 ml

Marjoram e.o. - 30 ml


Aroma: Warm, sweet, medicinal, earthyMay be used for respiratory and digestive complaints. Medicinal qualities include being an antibacterial, anti—fungal, anti—inflammatory, and antiseptic. Respiratory ailments are aided due to it?s decongestant properties.Cough and sore throats are aided through aromatherapy, and cuts, muscle aches and pains, sprains are quelled when applied topically. Organic wild marjoram oil may be added to an ointment and applied to skin abrasions to help with...