
Rose Otto - 7.5 ml


Rose Otto - 7.5 ml

Categories: Essential Oils   


Scent: Rose, rich, floral, warm

Description: Bulgaria is the largest producer of this highly prized oil. The oil is distilled or solvent extracted from the blossoms. It must be distilled at least twice as a result of its water—soluble components. Rose water is a by—product of the distillation. The steam—distilled oil is pale yellow—green.

Uses: An aphrodisiac, it is prescribed to treat frigidity. A tisane can help to increase appetite, and it soothes premenstrual tension and menopause. A gargle can be useful in relieving respiratory infections from asthma and hay fever.

Qualities: Antiseptic, uplifting, relaxant, aphrodisiac, sedative, tonic (general)

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