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Davana - 4 oz

Davana - 4 oz


Davana. Botanical name: (Artimisia Pallens). Also Known As: ?Davanam, davanamu. Davana is a small and aromatic plant which is native to the Southern part of India. Belonging to the daisy family, the Davana plant is around 40 meters in height with bluish green leaves and small yellow flowers. This annual south Indian plant generally grows near sandalwood trees and is characterized by a fruity fragrance and freshness. This plant is rarely grown in the wild as its seeds are small with delicate seed...

Devils Claw - 16 oz

Devils Claw - 16 oz


Devil?s ClawBotanical name: (Harpagophytum procumbens)Also Known As: grapple plant, wood spiderGreat news for pain sufferers who have grown dependent on pain killers for relief: recently published double blind studies have shown that Devil's Claw can relieve pain from arthritis in as little as ten days of use1, lower back, knee and hip pain included. Devil's claw is approved as a nonprescription medicine by the German Commission E and is used to relieve arthritis, lower back, knee and hi...

Devils Claw - 4 oz

Devils Claw - 4 oz


Devil?s ClawBotanical name: (Harpagophytum procumbens)Also Known As: grapple plant, wood spiderGreat news for pain sufferers who have grown dependent on pain killers for relief: recently published double blind studies have shown that Devil's Claw can relieve pain from arthritis in as little as ten days of use1, lower back, knee and hip pain included. Devil's claw is approved as a nonprescription medicine by the German Commission E and is used to relieve arthritis, lower back, knee and hi...

Devils Claw Powder - 16 oz

Devils Claw Powder - 16 oz


Devil?s ClawBotanical name: (Harpagophytum procumbens)Also Known As: grapple plant, wood spiderGreat news for pain sufferers who have grown dependent on pain killers for relief: recently published double blind studies have shown that Devil's Claw can relieve pain from arthritis in as little as ten days of use1, lower back, knee and hip pain included. Devil's claw is approved as a nonprescription medicine by the German Commission E and is used to relieve arthritis, lower back, knee and hi...

Devils Claw Powder - 4 oz

Devils Claw Powder - 4 oz


Devil?s ClawBotanical name: (Harpagophytum procumbens)Also Known As: grapple plant, wood spiderGreat news for pain sufferers who have grown dependent on pain killers for relief: recently published double blind studies have shown that Devil's Claw can relieve pain from arthritis in as little as ten days of use1, lower back, knee and hip pain included. Devil's claw is approved as a nonprescription medicine by the German Commission E and is used to relieve arthritis, lower back, knee and hi...

Dill Seed - 16 oz

Dill Seed - 16 oz


Dill SeedBotanical name: (Anethum graveolens)Also Known As: Dile or dylleDill Seed has been used to in baking, brewing, cooking and pickling from ancient times. The robust flavor it adds to soups and pickles has made it a choice spice in almost all types of cuisine. Our dill seeds are organically grown; shade dried and not irradiated. Dill itself is an appetizer and therefore extensively used in culinary. The essential oils present in it are stimulant in nature and activates secretion of bile an...

Dill Seed - 4 oz

Dill Seed - 4 oz


Dill SeedBotanical name: (Anethum graveolens)Also Known As: Dile or dylleDill Seed has been used to in baking, brewing, cooking and pickling from ancient times. The robust flavor it adds to soups and pickles has made it a choice spice in almost all types of cuisine. Our dill seeds are organically grown; shade dried and not irradiated. Dill itself is an appetizer and therefore extensively used in culinary. The essential oils present in it are stimulant in nature and activates secretion of bile an...

Dutch Cocoa Powder (Alkalized) - 16 oz

Dutch Cocoa Powder (Alkalized) - 16 oz


Dutch—processed cocoa powder is made from cocoa beans that have been washed with a potassium solution, to neutralize their acidity, and then pulverized into a fine powder. The process of making cocoa powder Dutch makes it darker, and can help mellow the flavor of the beans. Because Dutch cocoa has been neutralized, it will not react with baking soda in recipes. So be sure that the recipe is interchangeable for Dutch Cocoa Powder. Health benefits of Dutch Cocoa Powder is that cocoa powder h...

Dutch Cocoa Powder (Alkalized) - 4 oz

Dutch Cocoa Powder (Alkalized) - 4 oz


Dutch—processed cocoa powder is made from cocoa beans that have been washed with a potassium solution, to neutralize their acidity, and then pulverized into a fine powder. The process of making cocoa powder Dutch makes it darker, and can help mellow the flavor of the beans. Because Dutch cocoa has been neutralized, it will not react with baking soda in recipes. So be sure that the recipe is interchangeable for Dutch Cocoa Powder. Health benefits of Dutch Cocoa Powder is that cocoa powder h...

Elder Flower - 16 oz

Elder Flower - 16 oz


Elder FlowersBotanical name: (Sambucus) Also Known As: American Elder, holy wood, boon tree, bore tree, bull tree, Devil?s wood, dog tree, Judas tree, pipe tree, scaw, or white aller.Black elderberry has been used medicinally for hundreds of years.Elderberries were well known to Native American medicine people, who described the fruit as "strengthening the inner warrior". A perennial bush that is almost a tree. It stands from six to 12 feet high with compound leaves divided into opposing, serrat...

Elder Flower - 4 oz

Elder Flower - 4 oz


Elder FlowersBotanical name: (Sambucus) Also Known As: American Elder, holy wood, boon tree, bore tree, bull tree, Devil?s wood, dog tree, Judas tree, pipe tree, scaw, or white aller.Black elderberry has been used medicinally for hundreds of years.Elderberries were well known to Native American medicine people, who described the fruit as "strengthening the inner warrior". A perennial bush that is almost a tree. It stands from six to 12 feet high with compound leaves divided into opposing, serrat...

Fennel Powder - 16 oz

Fennel Powder - 16 oz


Fennel SeedsBotanical name: (Foeniculum vulgare) Also Known As: FinuleFennel is used to aid digestion, nausea, and colic. Originally from southern Europe and Asia Minor, it increases milk production in nursing mothers, stabilizes the nervous system, is a sedative for small children, expels phlegm from throat, and eliminates toxins from the body. Fennel improves night vision, relieves gas, expels worms, stimulates menstruation, and cleans the bladder and liver. It can be taken in teas, chewed or...

Fennel Powder - 4 oz

Fennel Powder - 4 oz


Fennel SeedsBotanical name: (Foeniculum vulgare) Also Known As: FinuleFennel is used to aid digestion, nausea, and colic. Originally from southern Europe and Asia Minor, it increases milk production in nursing mothers, stabilizes the nervous system, is a sedative for small children, expels phlegm from throat, and eliminates toxins from the body. Fennel improves night vision, relieves gas, expels worms, stimulates menstruation, and cleans the bladder and liver. It can be taken in teas, chewed or...

Fennel Seed - 16 oz

Fennel Seed - 16 oz


Fennel SeedsBotanical name: (Foeniculum vulgare) Also Known As: FinuleFennel is used to aid digestion, nausea, and colic. Originally from southern Europe and Asia Minor, it increases milk production in nursing mothers, stabilizes the nervous system, is a sedative for small children, expels phlegm from throat, and eliminates toxins from the body. Fennel improves night vision, relieves gas, expels worms, stimulates menstruation, and cleans the bladder and liver. It can be taken in teas, chewed or...

Fennel Seed - 4 oz

Fennel Seed - 4 oz


Fennel SeedsBotanical name: (Foeniculum vulgare) Also Known As: FinuleFennel is used to aid digestion, nausea, and colic. Originally from southern Europe and Asia Minor, it increases milk production in nursing mothers, stabilizes the nervous system, is a sedative for small children, expels phlegm from throat, and eliminates toxins from the body. Fennel improves night vision, relieves gas, expels worms, stimulates menstruation, and cleans the bladder and liver. It can be taken in teas, chewed or...