
Ginger (Select) e.o. - 15 ml


Ginger (Select) e.o. - 15 ml

Categories: Essential Oils   


Aroma: Fresh, warm, and sweet

Ginger is widely known as being used in the culinary industry as a seasoning, but medicinally it has been used for ailments of the digestive system. In medicine in can be used as an antibacterial, anti—inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic, and diuretic.

Sufferers of arthritis, bronchitis, the common cold, headaches, indigestion, loss of appetite, and sinus problems. The stimulant action of this oil makes it useful for fatigue and exhaustion. It may be added to a blend to be diffused into the air, or to a carrier oil and rubbed on the earlobes, temples, or base of the neck because it is easily through the skin.

Note: Although remedial, people with major health ailments like cancer, or epilepsy should avoid use. Non—toxic, non—irritant, possible sensitization in some individuals. Not to be used while pregnant.

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