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Rose Otto 10% - 15 ml

Rose Otto 10% - 15 ml


Scent: Rose, rich, floral, warmBulgaria is the largest producer of this highly prized oil. The oil is distilled or solvent extracted from the blossoms. It must be distilled at least twice as a result of its water—soluble components. Rose water is a by—product of the distillation. The steam—distilled oil is pale yellow—green.An aphrodisiac, it is prescribed to treat frigidity. A tisane can help to increase appetite, and it soothes premenstrual tension and menopause. A garg...

Rose Otto 10% - 30 ml

Rose Otto 10% - 30 ml


Scent: Rose, rich, floral, warmBulgaria is the largest producer of this highly prized oil. The oil is distilled or solvent extracted from the blossoms. It must be distilled at least twice as a result of its water—soluble components. Rose water is a by—product of the distillation. The steam—distilled oil is pale yellow—green.An aphrodisiac, it is prescribed to treat frigidity. A tisane can help to increase appetite, and it soothes premenstrual tension and menopause. A garg...

Sleep Pillow Blend - 15 ml

Sleep Pillow Blend - 15 ml


Our special blend of the highest quality pure essential oils use have claming properties. Just dab some essential oil on a cotton ball and place inside your pillowcase to help you lull off to dreamland!

Sleep Pillow Blend - 30 ml

Sleep Pillow Blend - 30 ml


Our special blend of the highest quality pure essential oils use have claming properties. Just dab some essential oil on a cotton ball and place inside your pillowcase to help you lull off to dreamland!

Tuberose 10% e.o. - 15 ml

Tuberose 10% e.o. - 15 ml


Aroma: Sweet, Spicy, and HeavyOur Tuberose Absolute is made of blossoms from the wilds of India and harvested in an ecologically ethical manner. Aphrodisiacal, in nature, encouraging the gifts of Creativity, Harmony, and Sensuality; according to ancient Indian perfumers, tuberose holds a place of esteem.The odor is very heavy sweet, floral honey like with an oily fatty back note. Tuberose Absolute from Concrete is a dark orange to brown viscous liquid with a heavy floral, very sweet, heavy and s...

Tuberose 10% e.o. - 30 ml

Tuberose 10% e.o. - 30 ml


Aroma: Sweet, Spicy, and HeavyOur Tuberose Absolute is made of blossoms from the wilds of India and harvested in an ecologically ethical manner. Aphrodisiacal, in nature, encouraging the gifts of Creativity, Harmony, and Sensuality; according to ancient Indian perfumers, tuberose holds a place of esteem.The odor is very heavy sweet, floral honey like with an oily fatty back note. Tuberose Absolute from Concrete is a dark orange to brown viscous liquid with a heavy floral, very sweet, heavy and s...

Blue Lotus Petal Elixir - 15 ml

Blue Lotus Petal Elixir - 15 ml


Bodhi Flora full spectrum elixirs are crafted from the highest quality farmed or sustainably harvested exotic botanicals in pure fermented grape tincture. Blue Lotus Petals encourages chakra opening.* \nPlease use responsibly.\nSuggested Use: Use 1/2 tsp mixed with water or fruit juice. Use no more then one teaspoon daily. \n

Blue Lotus Petal Elixir - 30 ml

Blue Lotus Petal Elixir - 30 ml


Bodhi Flora full spectrum elixirs are crafted from the highest quality farmed or sustainably harvested exotic botanicals in pure fermented grape tincture. Blue Lotus Petals encourages chakra opening.* \nPlease use responsibly.\nSuggested Use: Use 1/2 tsp mixed with water or fruit juice. Use no more then one teaspoon daily.

Kava Kava Elixir 1x - 15 ml

Kava Kava Elixir 1x - 15 ml


Aroma Sutras full spectrum extracts are crafted from the highest quality farmed or sustainably harvested exotic botanicals in pure fermented grape elixir. Full spectrum extracts, hand-crafted in \n\nsmall batches, infused with pure passion. Please use responsibly.

Kava Kava Elixir 1x - 30 ml

Kava Kava Elixir 1x - 30 ml


Aroma Sutras full spectrum extracts are crafted from the highest quality farmed or sustainably harvested exotic botanicals in pure fermented grape elixir. Full spectrum extracts, hand-crafted in \n\nsmall batches, infused with pure passion. Please use responsibly.

Acacia Gum Resin - 16 oz

Acacia Gum Resin - 16 oz


Botanical name: (Acacia senega or Acacia seyal )Also Known As: Acacia gum, chaar gund, char goond, or meskaThe Acacia tree grows in a region that stretches from Senegal to Sudan in Africa, although it has been historically cultivated in Arabia and West Asia. Gum arabic, a complex mixture of polysaccharides and glycoproteins, is used primarily in the food industry as a stabilizer.The Senegal gum acacia is an average sized tree with thorns that grows on the African savanna grassland. Gum arabic fi...

Acacia Gum Resin - 4 oz

Acacia Gum Resin - 4 oz


Botanical name: (Acacia senega or Acacia seyal )Also Known As: Acacia gum, chaar gund, char goond, or meskaThe Acacia tree grows in a region that stretches from Senegal to Sudan in Africa, although it has been historically cultivated in Arabia and West Asia. Gum arabic, a complex mixture of polysaccharides and glycoproteins, is used primarily in the food industry as a stabilizer.The Senegal gum acacia is an average sized tree with thorns that grows on the African savanna grassland. Gum arabic fi...

Ambrette Seeds - 16 oz

Ambrette Seeds - 16 oz


Ambrette SeedsBotanical name: (Abelmoschus moschatus)Also Known As: Abelmosk, Ambrette seeds, Annual hibiscus, Bamia Moschata, Galu Gasturi, Muskdana, Musk mallow, Musk okra, Musk seeds, Ornamental okra, Rose mallow seeds, Tropical jewel hibiscus, Yorka okraAmbrette seeds come from an aromatic and medicinal plant native to India. Ambrette seeds are most commonly used today to produce aromatic oil valued for its use in luxury perfumes. Traditionally, Ambrette seeds were often used in Ayurvedic me...

Ambrette Seeds - 4 oz

Ambrette Seeds - 4 oz


Ambrette SeedsBotanical name: (Abelmoschus moschatus)Also Known As: Abelmosk, Ambrette seeds, Annual hibiscus, Bamia Moschata, Galu Gasturi, Muskdana, Musk mallow, Musk okra, Musk seeds, Ornamental okra, Rose mallow seeds, Tropical jewel hibiscus, Yorka okraAmbrette seeds come from an aromatic and medicinal plant native to India. Ambrette seeds are most commonly used today to produce aromatic oil valued for its use in luxury perfumes. Traditionally, Ambrette seeds were often used in Ayurvedic me...

Amla - 16 oz

Amla - 16 oz


AmlaBotanical name: (Emblica officinalis)Also Known As: Amla, amala, aamla, Indian gooseberry, amritphala (the fruit of heaven, nectar of heaven) or amalaki. Ayurveda's most popular fruit is also one of its most effective. Literally every part of the Amla tree is used in Ayurveda. Dried fruit is sour and astringent. Flowers are cooling and aperients. Bark is astringent. The herb is also aphrodisiac, hemostatic, nutritive tonic, rejuvenator. Amla increases red blood cell count. It is one of t...