
Myrrh e.o. - 15 ml


Myrrh e.o. - 15 ml

Categories: Essential Oils   


Aroma: Creamy, dry, sweet

In the fragrance industry the oil is used as a fixative. Medicinally it is used to treat wounds, and in many oral care products. Myrrh has been prevalent throughout history. It was used in the mummification process by the Egyptians. It has been used in religious rituals all over the world, and it is utilized in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicines.

Medicinal properties include being antifungal, anti—inflammatory, antiseptic, sedative, and a stomachic. Benefits of using this essential oil include helping arthritis, asthma, The antimicrobial and astringent properties of this oil make it useful in oral and skin care products. And the fact that it helps wrinkle makes it a very good oil to apply topically.

Note: Although remedial, people with major health ailments like cancer, or epilepsy should avoid use. Non—toxic, non—irritant, possible sensitization in some individuals. Not to be used while pregnant.

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