
Cinnamon Leaf e.o. - 15 ml


Cinnamon Leaf e.o. - 15 ml

Categories: Essential Oils   


Aroma: Flat, herbal, woodsy, warm

It has been used for thousands of years for an array of ailments including colds, flu, digestive and menstrual problems. Also considered a mild stimulant. Cinnamon Leaf is relatively non—toxic; possible irritant because of the cinnamaldahyde. Eugenol (which can be found in Cinnamon Leaf oil) is an irritant to the mucous membranes; best used in moderation.

Medicinal properties include being an anti—diarrhea, antimicrobial, antiseptic, and as an astringent. When used in aromatherapy it can help relieve coughs, colds, and flu type illnesses. Also good at disinfecting the air.

Note: Although remedial, people with major health ailments like cancer, or epilepsy should avoid use. Non—toxic, non—irritant, possible sensitization in some individuals. Not to be used while pregnant.

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